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Visitors sitting in Fuller Garden Court with a figurative scultpure over a fountain in the background.
a group of children sit in front of a large, circlular artwork covered in colorful flowers.
Art deco facade of Seattle Asian Art Museum's entrance with sunset reflecting off of it.
Two Seattle Art Museum staff waving at the camera sitting behind a desk situated between two ornate columns..
A person closely examines a display case in an art gallery. Behind them, another person observes a large artwork depicting an outdoor scene. The room features modern lighting and a polished wooden floor.
A woman and a child holding hands walk through a glass-walled hallway. Above them is a large, bright orange, segmented sculpture. Other people are visible through the glass. The floor is glossy and reflects their figures.
A person in a denim jacket observes a multi-armed statue of a seated deity displayed on a pedestal in a museum.
A museum gallery with visitors observing artifacts displayed in glass cases. The room features green walls and various sculptures and art pieces.
A boutique shop featuring a clothing rack with colorful garments, a shelf displaying a Sale 50% sign, and various accessories. Display shelves with books and cards are in the background.

Seattle Asian Art Museum

1400 East Prospect St., Seattle, WA 98112

Inside Volunteer Park, this Art Deco building is where SAM started and is now home to our extensive Asian art collection.

Map of all three Seattle Art Museum locations.
Map of all three Seattle Art Museum locations.





10 am–5 pm

Closed for Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. SAM Shop is open during museum hours.


Parking is free in Volunteer Park!


What’s on at the Seattle Asian Art Museum

Museum tickets

Admission includes access to all exhibitions at the museum.

Ticket types


Day of

Seniors (65+)
Military (with ID)
Student (with ID)
Teens (15-19)
Children (14 & Under)
First Thu is Apr 3
Free First Thursdays

On First Thursdays, admission is FREE to all.

Group Visits

SAM offers reduced admission to groups of 10 or more. Learn more


Free and reduced admission is available. Learn more

See it first. See it free.

Become a SAM member and enjoy free admission at all three locations!

What to know when you visit

Coat hanger icon

Free coat check

Backpacks, large bags, or items 
larger than 11x15 inches are not allowed
in the galleries, limited self-service lockers are available.

camera icon


Take pictures! No flash, non-commercial photography and videography is welcome except by “No Photography” icons.

pointer finger icon

Keep art safe

Touching harms the art. Stay at least 12 inches from objects and refrain from running or rough play.

Smartphone tours

Enjoy audio and interactive content on your own device for free.

baby bottle icon

For families

Strollers and breastfeeding are allowed everywhere. Bottle feed in the Fuller Garden Court. Children 14 and younger must be accompanied by an adult.

pencil icon

Get creative

Use pencils to sketch and write in the galleries. Pens, paints, and pastels are not allowed.


SAM strives to create an enriching experience for all visitors and provides accessibility options at all of our locations.
  • Shop in person & online

    At the main entrance of the museum you’ll find a variety of jewelry, home decor, toys, and books, all related to Asian art and culture.

    shop now
    A view of the shop products on display at the Seattle Asian Art Museum
  • Gardner Center for Asian Art & Ideas

    Engage with diverse perspectives on Asia’s many cultural traditions and contemporary issues through talks, performances, events, and the popular Saturday University Lecture Series.

    learn more
    Two people on stage in conversation in front of a seated audience.
  • McCaw Library

    Schedule an appointment to access thousands of books, catalogues, serials, and non-print materials that support research on Asian objects in SAM’s collection and the history of Asian art.

    learn more
    A person sitting and reading a book in a room lined with bookshelves.
  • Chen Community Meeting Room

    Register to host your community group gatherings in this free and accessible meeting space. Available for noncommercial use during museum hours, this private room seats up to 12 people. Access includes projector use. Refreshments can be arranged through Shooby Doo Catering; no outside food or beverage is permitted. Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Please provide at least three weeks’ notice to book the room.

    request reservation
    Sammy the Camel mascot reclining with their feet up on the table in a conference room.

Visit FAQ

During the pandemic, SAM closed a few public areas of the museum to reduce overall visitor footprint so we could operate and provide access to our galleries. Some areas remain closed to all visitors—these include:

At the Seattle Asian Art Museum The McCaw Foundation Library is available by appointment only.

Occasionally SAM needs to close galleries or limit access at our locations in order to install new exhibitions or rotate sensitive artworks. This isn’t something we like to do often but, when it happens, we hope you’ll bear with us because the result will be new art for you to enjoy.

SAM remains a mask-friendly space. Visitors are encouraged to wear masks for their personal safety and comfort. We also ask visitors who are experiencing flu, cold, or similar symptoms to visit another time.

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public setting. SAM can’t guarantee you won’t be exposed to COVID-19 during your visit; by visiting SAM you accept this risk of exposure.

We do not require timed ticketing for our current exhibitions.

Host your gathering here

Wow your guests—SAM’s three locations offer unique and art-filled venue experiences.