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Member Viewing for Meot

Aug 28 2024

10 am–5 pm

Seattle Asian Art Museum

All SAM members are invited to attend the Member Viewing on Opening Day for Meot: Korean Art from the Frank Bayley Collection. We are thrilled to share that this will also be the first Wednesday the Seattle Asian Art Museum is open to the public. As a SAM member, you get access to exclusive programming throughout the day, including:

Exhibition Overview
2 pm, Stimson Auditorium

Get an in-depth look at the exhibition with HJ Han, Joseph de Heer Curator of Asian Art at Denver Art Museum.

More information coming soon! Advanced tickets are required, limited, and will be available online starting in late July.

Image: Pinched mouth jar, 2008, Lee In-Chin, height: 16 in., diameter: 17 1/2 in., Bequest of Frank S. Bayley III, 2023.11.280, photo: Scott Leen.

Major Sponsor
Mimi Gardner Gates Asian Art Endowment

Member Previews

Member Previews are why we say, “See it first. See it free.” All SAM members are invited to be among the first to experience exhibitions before they open to the public.

view program

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