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Art Adventures

A child sitting at a table using paint and leafs and pines to make shapes on paper

Bring SAM to your early learning space for Art Adventures! SAM educators lead culturally-responsive art making workshops that explore SAM’s collection by utilizing learning methods inspired by Visual Thinking Strategies. We also offer parent and early learner teacher professional development sessions related to these strategies.

Themes include

  • Self-portraits: The Colors of Us
  • Printmaking: Exploring Shapes in Nature
  • Drawing: The Colors of my Feelings

Art Adventures Presented by

What to know

Art Adventures are designed for ages 3–5.

Art Adventures programs are 30-45 minutes long and SAM provides all materials.

These programs are free and based on staff availability.

Email for more information and availability.

Join the SAM family

Become a member with your family and everyone can come for free. Family membership covers two adults and all children 19 and under.

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