The Naramore Art Show is an annual tradition that showcases the artistic creations of Seattle Public Schoolsâ middle and high school students. The incredible visual art teachers of Seattle Public Schools work with students throughout the district to submit artworks across mediums including drawing, painting, sculpture, and more. These works showcase the inspiration and collaboration that occurs in classrooms, which make up an invaluable part of education in Seattle. The Seattle Art Museum is proud to be a partner in the Naramore Art Show and offer its galleries to uplift student perspectives through self-expression and community building.
Please join us in honoring all of the incredible student artists at the Naramore Ceremony, which will take place on Friday, May 9 from 6â7 pm at the Seattle Art Museum.
The Naramore Art Show is located on the first floor in the South Hall of the Seattle Art Museum.
Admission to this area is free and does not require a ticket.
The ceremony is followed by SAM's annual free Teen Night Out.