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Member Preview & Happy Hour: Joyce J. Scott

Oct 16 2024

12–8 pm

Seattle Art Museum

Entire Building

All SAM Members are invited to the opening of Joyce J. Scott: Walk a Mile in My Dreams at the Seattle Art Museum.

As a SAM member, you get access to exclusive programming throughout the day.

Exhibition Overview | 12:30 | Plestcheeff Auditorium

Catharina Manchanda, SAM Jon and Mary Shirley Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art

Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis with overflow seating in the Nordstrom Lecture Hall.

Performance by Joyce J. Scott | 6:30–7 pm | Simonyi Special Exhibition Galleries

Happy Hour | 4–8 pm | Brotman Forum

Toast the opening of Walk a Mile in My Dreams with cocktails and snacks available for purchase.

All galleries, SAM Shop, SAM Gallery, and MARKET Seattle will be open.

This exhibition was co-organized by the Baltimore Museum of Art. This exhibition and national tour are made possible by substantial grants from the Ford Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation, Terra Foundation for American Art, and The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

Image: Evolution, 1992, Joyce J. Scott, American, b. 1948, glass beads and wire, 16 × 8 × 10 1/2 in., Gift from the Porter*Price Collection, On loan from the Mobile Museum of Art, © Joyce Scott courtesy Goya Contemporary, photo: Thigpen Photography, Mobile, AL.

Member Previews

Member Previews are why we say, “See it first. See it free.” All SAM members are invited to be among the first to experience exhibitions before they open to the public.

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